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September - Child Safety




Much Thanks to “Helpful Hinters” Lori (Chase’s Mom), Ali (Dominic’s Mom,  Jessica (Aliya’s Mom) and Michelle & Jennifer (Addison’s Mom) for the information below!


From Lori:


Hi moms,

I know this is not always the happiest of subjects, but a mom-friend of mine sent me the attached information on child abduction prevention so I thought I would pass it on to more of my mom friends. Even though we have probably seen a lot of these tips before and most of them are common sense, its good to read them again have them on hand.


Please review the three PDFs for the information,


From Ali:


For $30.00, you can order the Amber Alert Child ID Kit just to be safe.  It’s a thumb drive loaded with your child’s pertinent info that you keep with you at all times (password protected, of course).  The software program allows you to enter multiple children’s profiles (I even added a profile for me and my husband) and stores pictures, descriptions, blood types, license plate #s, contact info, school info, child provider info etc.  Basically ANYTHING and ANYONE that has to do with your child.  All of this info would help Police find them in case something were to happen.  The idea is that if something were to happen, you could just hand this to the Police rather than go crazy trying to locate all of this information when your mind is racing and you can’t think straight. 

Please see the link for more information:

From Jessica:

For your information regarding Baby Formula, a study from 2004 just for your review.


From Michelle and Jennifer:

Orbit Baby Stroller Owners:  Announcement from the CEO in response to the Consumer Reports

Consumer Report Link: Dated 8/26/09

Orbit Baby CEO Response & Other Comments:




Thank you to “Helpful Hinter” Polly (Timmy & Ellie’s Mom) for the information below!

Not sure if you use the SIGG water bottles at all...I know we have 2 from whole foods and it looks like they were not BPA free when we bought them.  

SIGG Bottles and BPA (the ugly truth!)
A friend sent me this article about SIGG bottles, and it's pretty ugly. The company finally admitted that up until recently, the epoxy liners for their bottles actually DO contain the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A. I feel so duped.

Most disturbing is that they changed their product line in August of 2008--a full year ago--but only admitted the change on Friday. (Which gave them a year to move the BPA tainted products out of the supply chain and into our homes.)

Anyway, here's the article:

And here's what the SIGG CEO had to say about the issue. (Note, this article is totally BURIED in their website.):


SOLUTION!  Thank you to “Helpful Hinter” Doris (Evey’s Mom) for the great solution.


I emailed SIGG and they sent me this link w/ info on how to send back your old bottles:


ALTERNATIVE!  Thank you to “Helpful Hinter” Laurel for the great option!


We just sent our old bottles in for a replacement.

Kleen Kanteen bottles are a great alternative to the SIGG bottles. They don't have as many cute colors/designs as the SIGG bottles, but they have an attachment for sippy cups when the kids get a bit bigger.


Another Solution Idea for your SIGG Bottles...Check it out!


Thank you to Myrna (Samuel's Mom) and Lori (Chase's Mom) for being so thoughtful to share this LATEST recall information.



Article by Dr. Michelle Chauss, D.C.

 Walkers, Jumpers and Exersaucers – Am I making the right choice for my pre-crawler?


PDF Link