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Posted: 4/1/10

Cooking Club Inviting Members!

 Love to cook?  Better yet, love to eat?  Join our new cooking club!


Here's how it would work:  First you would RSVP that you would like to join.  Then once a month, whoever volunteers to host will choose a theme (Mediterranean food, holiday meal, vegetarian—whatever the host would like).  


The host will send out an Evite where those attending will sign up for which course they would like to make--entree, side, appetizer, dessert, special drink, etc.  Then you will bring your completed dish (or almost completed--you may have some finishing touches to do) to the host’s house, along with your recipe.  


There we will enjoy a fantastic dinner, share our great recipes, and have some nice conversation!  You don't have to be a great cook.  Making an easy dish that other moms can make on a weeknight would be great.  Or you can go all out and experiment with fancy new recipes.  All are welcome!  


If you're interested in joining, email me at  


Posted: 4/1/10

Care Share

Date night is back with no extra costs!


Care Coordinator: Brittany Steward or 925-349-4441



Care Share is an opportunity for parents to exchange child care services with one another.  This works if everyone participating is willing to provide care as well as receive care from other parents.  Imagine, we can go out on date night and not have to worry about the extra expenses of child care!  Plus, we have learned more about each other and our babies at DayOne than most people get to know the local teenage babysitter!  So, why not Care Share?!


As easy as 1-2-3:

1. Contact the Care Coordinator with dates/times you are available to provide care or when you request care.  

2. The Care Coordinator update the calendar to reflect what is available.  Updates will be posted on Hilarie’s website.  The Care Coordinator will also contact the providers/requesters as needed.

3. From there, it is in the hands of the parent who is requesting care to work out the fine details with the care provider who is available to watch their child(ren).  



Care Share Ethics:

Please respect one another and our babies.

Protect contact and child information; please do not distribute info to others without permission from our participating parents.

If you ask for care, you commit to providing care.

This program is still an infant (ha!)  Suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.



Access the Calendar at:

Care Share Calendar

Posted 4/1/10

Book Club Inviting Members!


Looking for an excuse to NOT read that ‘baby related’ book?  Need an evening out to converse with other adults?  Join our Book Club and don’t worry, no baby related books allowed!  


Once a month, the first week of the month will be the timeframe for each Book Club Meeting.  At each meeting, the next date will be decided and the Host will select the next book to be read and the time that works best for them.  The Host will be responsible for drinks and appetizers for that meeting.  We will all take turns, so come join in the fun!  If you cannot make some of the meetings, that’s okay! Just email me that you would like to join so that you are on the “Exclusive BOOK CLUB List!”



INTERESTED?:  RSVP that you would like to join to (